I have nine days until we depart for Sweden and I a running around like a chicken without a head. Getting some new clothes and a pair of sandals, getting a bunch of my current shoes re-heeled, new highlights and haircut, eye appointment–I can go on and on. Plus I'm looking for a few things for my niece. I'll be exhausted the second I get on that plane!
One thing that has been plaguing me for a while now is finding some new cute bras. Ever since I lost weight, my bras are too big and it looks really silly. I have been shopping around for a while, but today I decided to finally bite the bullet. First off, I hate that underwear is so expensive. A decent bra is about $50, and every time I'm in the store I'll end up feeling guilty over the purchase and putting them back. I know, it's really silly.
But now I really have to get a few, which leads me to my second issue, push-up, extra lining and gel pads. I don't want any of it! It seems absolutely impossible to find something either cute or sexy that comes without all these extras. I'm so happy that my breasts were finally a little smaller and I, for sure, don't want anything that brings me back to that. I don't know what to do. I found a few models online from Victoria's Secret that looks like they could be cute, but they won't arrive by the time we are leaving. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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