Against my better judgement, I have promised myself to make both a la vodka sauce and apple cookies this weekend. I have not baked anything forever. I used to be really good at keeping up with my wifely duties, but after the summer I have been super lazy.
Apple cookies (makes 17 cookies)
1 apple
2 tablespoons of sugar
Ground cinnamon
2 eggs
3/4 cup of sugar
1 stick of butter
1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 cup of flower
1. Cut the apple into wedges. Place the apple wedges in a plastic bag and pour in two tablespoons of sugar and ground cinnamon to taste.
2. Grease an aluminum muffin tin (use PAM, it's the easiest)
3. Mix eggs and sugar until it's a light batter. Mix in the melted butter, flour and baking powder.
4. Pour the batter into the muffin tins and place a piece of cinnamon/sugared apple in the middle.
5. Place the cookies in the middle of the oven at 395F for 15-20 minutes
6. Once they have cooled off a little, place them on a cookie sheet, then dip each cookie in a little bit of sugar.
These are super tasty. I promise.
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