I'm all giddy—I found Tintin posters for sale at art.com. Like any child born in 70s Sweden, I was obsessed with Tintin and Milou (or Snowy, as he was called here in the US). I had all the comic books (and I mean all), and I had read them about one million times each. Never got sick of them.
I even found all the comic books on amazon.com. Just classic 1930s Belgian comic books—can it get any better. (I know, I'm a dork).
I just asked my friend if she remembered Tintin, and she had no idea what I was talking about. Now I'm starting to wonder if it was maybe just me and my family that loved Tintin? Does any of you remember those books from growing up?
Yes, dear Valentine, it was just you... and a couple of millions this side of the Atlantic, where Tintin still continues to thrive in very good health. Just as amusement try a peak at the links I've posted at http://www.macieira-law.com/boletim/bd.htm or the Tintin News at http://my.opera.com/macieira_law/blog/
Jag var ocksa en stor fan av Tintin nar jag var yngre. Asterix gick ocksa bra, men Tintin var favoriten helt klart. Lanade alla bockern pa bibblan kommer jag ihag, flera ganger om.