Didn't make it home until almost eight o'clock tonight. So much for just having a lunch date! Even if I hadn't seen Tom for probably around 15 years, it was just like good ol' times. We had so much to catch up on—especially some juicy gossip from Ă…hus. Small town living is so incestuous.
Cafeteria was packed—some things never change. Over ten years later, that place is still going strong. Unusual for New York restaurants. Food was yummy and I got to toast with a glad of Prosecco. That for sure puts a little glam in an otherwise gray and rainy day. Coffee at Chelsea market afterwards. I love that place. Tons of great produce and cute little local bakeries and cafes. That for sure beats Starbucks! And our little Bella was so good all day. Not a whimper, cry or tear all day—a total wunderkind. She is only three months after all. I guess she likes people watching just like her mommy.
Stopped by Billy's Bakery on my way home—thought I would surprise Rich with some chocolate/vanilla cupcakes after dinner. I swear it's the best little cupcake place in town—their frosting can be eaten by the spoonful. Thank god I only got two, cause we could have had at least two more each. That would NOT have been good for our waistlines.
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