It’s been 7 weeks of absolute mayhem—we had quite a scare
during the 20 week sonogram for our little baby boy, combined with managing
seven accounts at work, houseguests, ninety degree heat, a lost passport and a
rambunctious 3 year old. It’s been like a non-stop cascade of events lately!
Luckily we only have three more days until we jet off to Sweden for a two-week R&R visit. Mom’s cooking, my beloved Hallamölla, friends and family, and plenty of
new adventures are awaiting us. We have already slotted in a two day getaway in
Gothenburg and a cycling adventure to Bornholm—I hope I’ll manage it all at 27
weeks pregnant!
And after weeks and weeks of worrying, everything seems to
be fine with our baby. At the sonogram back in June, a choroid plexus cyst was
discovered in the brain, and a two-vessel umbilical cord vs. the usual three.
We have been so anxious, but after a couple of extensive scans at Winthrop,
everything else seems normal. The cyst will disappear in the next few weeks and
with regular growth sonograms, we should be ok. We will still be under close
observation for heart, kidney and bladder problems, and of course early
delivery and low birth weight, but I feel pretty positive that everything will
work out just fine!
Spending the next couple of days pulling together the last
stuff. Packing for three is exhausting. I know I will forget a million things! The
house is filled with stacks and stacks of clothes and open suitcases, presents,
shoes, gear. God help up when we have to travel with two kids!