Sunday, June 5, 2011

Seaside Retreat

Had our premier day at the beach on Saturday, but it actually ended up being a really cold day by the water and we didn't stay long. We didn't even get to bask in the sun for even a minute—I was so chilly I was wrapped up in a towel the whole time. But we had enough time for a quick lunch and some photos.

But the weather really didn't matter—we had such a great time anyway. We are so happy that Campbell ended up loving both the sand and the water! She was so little last summer that we couldn't tell if she was going to be a beach bum like both her parents. Well, she was constantly making a dash for the water and we had to run after her to make sure she didn't go in to far! Saturday there was actually still no swimming allowed—I hope it isn't because of the sharks that were spotted out in the Hamptons =)

Had a full day at the Veuve polo today, so I'm exhausted and it's time to go night night. More pictures tomorrow...

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