Buttercup in her new sundress
Friday morning—my favorite day of the week. I love that feeling when the whole weekend lays in front of you. Sitting outside on my patio—birds singing, sun shining and iced coffee, Lucky Magazine, the new IKEA catalogue in hand. Could life get any better?! I'm such a typical Swede—I get super excited when that furniture catalogue shows up in my mail box. I guess it's 500 pages of home inspiration and all their stuff is attainable.
Just met with some more realtors last night and we are exploring all of our options. Considering another the possibility—buying a bigger house in a better area, instead of heading to the city. All options are currently on the table.
We still have projects to finish around the house before doing anything tho'. Hmmm, maybe today will be the day when we are finally starting with the new windows in the garage—another labor of love.
On another note. Just got on the scales again and I'm down one more pound. Whoo hoo! Just five more to go! This whole thing with losing the pregnancy weight is going much better than I anticipated. I thought that I would have to drag around extra pounds for at least a year. The nurses told me, or maybe I should say warned me, 9 months to put it on, 9 months to take it off.
The only dark could in the sky right now is that I have to go back to work in 10 days. I really don't want to leave my little cutiecakes, but what can I do. I have to work.
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