Monday, June 8, 2009

Room with a View

Went to my friend David had his girlfriend Phyllis' housewarming party on Saturday night, and now I'm green with envy over their new apartment. A huge, gorgeous, newly renovated one-bedroom on West 85th with a beautiful view. 

Once in a while we contemplate moving back to the city, but I'm not sure. I think the novelty would be very appealing, especially since now we could afford something better than that dungeon ground floor apartment in Queens, where we used to live. Gosh, I hated that apartment! Our lovely landlord tried to convince us that a water bug is not a roach. Yeah, right!

But I still love my house and yard. Nothing beats a home made Mojito on my chaise lounge with a steak on the grill. 

I think the apartment idea always sounds so much better than it really is. I would hate not being able to make a quick run to the beach or a spontaneous afternoon sail. I think for now, we'll just stay where we are.

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